“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.” -Captain Edward J. Smith, RMS Titanic
“Confidence in your equipment is comforting. Overconfidence in your equipment is deadly.” -The Armchair Outfitter
Tags: Words of Wisdom

Beata T and I stretch for some beads in front of my office building, 2008.
10. You’ve ever heard of Joe Cain.
9. You know “Tahtacocktail” is a question. “Tartar sauce or cocktail sauce on your po’ boy?”
8. You’ve ever coordinated your tie with a 17-cent strand of beads.
7. You put an entry on your time sheet for “review parade schedule.”
6. You don’t even think about parking downtown any weekend the month before Lent.
5. You have used beads as packing peanuts for an office move.
4. You bring an umbrella to work for catching throws.
3. You have injured yourself diving for a Moon Pie on your lunch break.
2. You are vaguely aware a city in Louisiana does something this time of year too.
1. You expect to be off on Fat Tuesday, ’cause everyone else is.
Tags: Random Musings
February 3rd, 2011 · 2 Comments
Some of you remember me telling you in a previous post about Resole America, conveniently accessible online at http://www.resole.com/. When I did the video review of their services, I told you they were kicking me a discount on the repairs for in exchange for me telling you about them. I had already paid full price in advance. They liked the review so much they picked me as the winner of a video contest they were running. In fact, instead of a refund check, they sent me a check for $250. That’s a lot of clams, so in the interest of full disclosure, I wanted to tell y’all about the contest.
I didn’t know we had entered, so when I saw the check, I told our crack accounting department, aka the Sporting Wife, there had been some kind of mistake. She said, “You must have won the contest http://ukvia….-uk/!” “What contest?” “They were running a contest for the best video. I didn’t tell you because I never thought you’d win.” Thanks for the vote of confidence, sugar-britches. She now says she didn’t want me to be nervous while I was shooting the video. Nice try. Advertisers, it appears some people actually pay money for this stuff. Let me feel the fiber of your fabric.
Tags: Random Musings