“If, like me, you are fool enough to dream of killing a monstrous whitetail buck with a pointy stick, the state where I hunt guarantees your right to have at it from mid-September to the bitter end of January. And until the season runs out and hunters still afield are subject to prosecution, this is exactly what I intend to do, even though on a cold January afternoon I am about as likely to see Jesus wandering around during daylight hours as a deer.” – Bill Heavey, If You Didn’t Bring Jerky, What Did I Just Eat?
Tags: Words of Wisdom

Well, maybe not a miracle, but a nice fat doe that sure felt like a miracle after days of hard hunting in the rain over Thanksgiving break. I was on the stand at 6:30 A.M. the first day of my Christmas vacation and I shot this porky deer at 6:55 A.M. She weighed around 100 pounds, and thanks to Uncle Gary and Cousin Tim, it was a happy holiday.
Tags: Whitetail Deer Hunting
November 3rd, 2011 · 2 Comments

46,382,971.6 grains?
On a recent work trip to Montgomery, AL, I walked out of my hotel to see this bad ride idling under the canopy. My brothers and sisters, I was tempted beyond all reason. I have had my eye on a 3500 HD Duramax for some time, and the Federal Premium graphics would have been a nice bonus. Fortunately, what Lincoln would have called the better angels of my nature prevailed, and I remain at large. I guess I spent enough time at the county jail during my nine years of criminal trial practice. I did loiter though, in hopes of meeting the lucky driver, but I neither made contact nor received a citation.
Tags: 4WD and Off-road