The Armchair Outfitter

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The Czech’s in the Mail

September 16th, 2010 · 3 Comments

Those of you who know me know I have a fondness for things of quality.  I am particularly fond of items that are so undervalued by the general public I can obtain them cheaply.  Older shotguns made by Brno and CZ definitely fall into this category, as do many of the CZ pistols and the Brno Mausers.  I recently stumbled onto a Brno side-by-side 12 gauge.  It is essentially the same as a 1963 model I already have except for the chokes, which are more open than the ones in my ’63.  I snapped it up, and the seller is shipping it to my FFL holder next week.  I didn’t like buying it without a chance to personally inspect it, but at the price I paid, it will be worthwhile even as a parts gun.  Incidentally, if any of you out there have such a gun, they are utter crap.  Under no circumstances should you attempt to fire a piece like this.  Contact me via e-mail, and I will send you shipping instructions for safe disposal.

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Words of Wisdom: 9/2/10

September 2nd, 2010 · No Comments

“Catch and release is the alien abduction of the fish world.”

- The Armchair Outfitter

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Hell, I Wasn’t There: Part One

August 27th, 2010 · 6 Comments

One of the joys of hanging out down at the old deer camp was hearing the stories of the older bunch of guys.  Back before any of us younger folks were around, they used to all take a yearly trip to Colorado to hunt elk, mule deer, and whitetails.  One of the guys, Joe, shot about a 1,200 pound bull elk on top of a mountain.  The other guy with him, Houston, said, “Let’s go back to camp and we’ll get the others to help us quarter him and pack him out.”

“Nope. I ain’t leaving him up here.”  So Joe sat right there on that elk while Houston went down to get the rest of the fellows.  Well, back in camp, the boys had “a few” to fortify themselves for the chore of packing out the elk.  Time dragged on and night was approaching.  As he sat there getting colder and colder, Joe began to wonder if they were coming.  Snow was falling when finally he saw a tiny spot of orange making its way up the mountain toward him.  He roared, “Hurry your . . . up, you mother . . . !”

A shocked voice with a distinctly non-Southern accent replied, “What party are you with?”

Joe answered, “Hell, Republican, I guess!”  True story as I remember it told to all the young shavers around the camp stove one night.  Or at least I think it was true.  Hell, I wasn’t there.

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